Meet The Team
Molly with one of her largest red potatoes of the year
Molly Knox
This restoration project is Molly's vision. As a caretaker of Little Fishtrap Estuary and surrounding forest, Molly has used her background in science, gardening, and her 30 + years of local ecological knowledge to transform an unhealthy land covered in invasives to a thriving forest. Molly is passionate about community and welcomes opportunities to connect with other people interested in restoration.
Stephanie in her natural habitat​
Stephanie Pierce
Stephanie began working with Molly in the fall of 2017. She quickly realized that methods for removing invasive plant species needed to change, and began developing a comprehensive and effective system for regenerating the properties forests ecosystems. Currently finishing her Masters Thesis at the Evergreen State College, Stephanie has directed her education to refine her knowledge of ecological science and ecosystem restoration.
Sage enjoying a cup of morning coffee
Sage McClune
Sage has worked with Molly for over 6 years. Originally tasked with finding blackberry and other invasives, he eventually moved to a managerial role. He keeps the tractors running, designs and oversees construction of the out buildings and general property maintenance. A couple years ago, in search of a wider skillset, Sage apprenticed with an arborist for a few months. Now when a tree is sick or needs to come down, Sage takes care of it.
Katherine holding a lovely lettuce
Katherine Gerg
Katherine has been working for Molly for a year. During this time she has utilized her knowledge of the environment to help with many of the projects on the property. She is considering pursuing an education in ornithology, specifically studying crows. Katherine is our social media coordinator, most of our awesome Instagram posts are her creation!